Technology has evolved to become an integral tool that is embedded in many aspects of our lives.  Just like any tool, we must understand that there is an appropriate time, place, and application for use.  Troop 93 has chosen to allow the use of certain electronic devices during certain scout activities, and limit use during meetings and at times when use will distract the scout from the task at hand.  This can only work if everyone commits to the following guidelines for use.

The use of electronic devices is considered a privilege and is not a replacement for the knowledge and experience gained during scout activities.  A phone application that shows the scout how to tie a knot is not a substitute for the hands-on practice that it takes to master knot tying, for example.

Scouts are not permitted to use cell phones or electronic devices during Scout meetings or while on activities in such a way that it interferes with the activity program. Use of cell phones or electronic devices is allowed as a privilege when they do not interfere with scouting activities or with the safety or the rights of others.

The Scoutmasters will make all judgments on acceptable use of cell phones or electronic devices.  This includes the appropriate time, place, and usage of the device.  The decision of the Scoutmaster is final and not subject to debate or negotiation.

Electronic use is allowed while traveling to and from campouts and other scouting events, if allowed by the driver or adult the scout is traveling with.

Electronic devices are not to be used for communication during meetings, campouts, or other scout activities. The use of texting, phone, and / or social media is prohibited during these events.   The Scoutmaster must be aware of any communication between the Scout and his parents, family, friends, or others. Parents will be given the Scoutmaster’s phone number as the primary point of contact for any emergency or concern during the event.

The following electronic use guidelines have been agreed to by all Scouts, Parents, and Leaders for the safety and welfare of all involved in Scouting.

  1. Electronic devices are only allowed at certain times during events, with permission from the SPL or Scoutmaster.
  2. Electronic devices are used only when there are no other activities or responsibilities.
  3. Electronic devices are used when it does not affect anyone else.
  4. The Scout is completely responsible for the device and will respect the property of others.
  5. Electronic devices may not be used in tents, bathrooms, showers, or other private areas.

The use of electronic devices is a privilege that may be revoked by the Scoutmaster or Senior Patrol Leader at any time.